This is an incredibly simple, overly underrated, and totally delicious pancake recipe that’s very suitable for people who are basically intolerant to life.

Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Refined Sugar Free, Seed Oil Free, Animal Based, Full GAPS Friendly, Vegan Free, Vegetarian, Paleo, Fodmap Friendly, etc etc

It includes two of nature’s most delicious ingredients… Banana and Egg.

Which means that it’s suitable for about 593 different diet protocols as long as they don’t have bananas and eggs in them. If they do then idk why you’re reading this.

It’s really simple, all you need is banana, egg, some grease and a frypan. Toppings are not necessarily necessary, but I would indeed say they are mandatory.

Anyway I have no idea how people write huge blog posts about recipes with lots of fluff in between the top of the page and the actual recipe – so here’s the recipe…

(btw if I become one of those people one day due to SEO reasons or whatever please don’t hate the player, hate the game)


  • 1 medium Banana
  • 2 Egg

That’s literally it 😳 Ok maybe not literally because you need something to cook it in, plus the mandatory toppings.

  • Ghee, Butter, Coconut Oil, Tallow (I haven’t tried it in tallow but know some people use it as an option)
  • Toppings of your choice (ok not mandatory because this is delicious on its own, but incase you want to here are some options) – things like: fruit, maple syrup, honey, coconut ice cream, home made dairy ice cream, avocado, salt, honey, did I say honey?, lemon juice + honey, tahini, peanut butter, almond butter, honey. You get the point. I’m not gonna tell you how to top your pancakes.

How To Make It:

  1. Blend, whisk or mash the banana & egg together. I prefer blending, it makes it smoother.
  2. Heat a pan on medium on the stove, add 1-2 tbs your greaser of choice – I like ghee best. Remember that the pancakes assume the flavour of what you use, so choose wisely.
  3. Pour little pancakes into the pan.
  4. Cook on one side for 2-3 minutes or until it’s pancakey. It won’t bubble like something that has flour and milk, so treat it more like you’re frying an egg that’s had a banana blended into it.
  5. Flip then cook it on the other side.
  6. That’s literally it. Smash em down and wish you made more!

If you enjoyed this, smash the like button and subs.. oh wait this ain’t YouTube. If you make it just tag me on instagram or use #roryskitchen on there or everywhere else. Enjoy!