Hello! Welcome to Rory’s Kitchen. My name is Rory Bland. I’m 33, live in Brisbane Australia with my son, and I like to party.

Not really, I spend most of my time in the kitchen, in front of a screen editing videos I made in my kitchen or going on adventures with the little dude.

I’ve been cursed with food intolerances so I decided to turn my journey into something that either entertains or inspires others to look after their bodies and live their full potential. This video explains my health journey.

In November I started the GAPS version of the Carnivore Diet. Just meat, salt, and water. Why? Well with nothing left that I could eat without reacting to it… I decide to do an ‘extreme elimination diet’ and then slowly introduce foods as my body could tolerate.

Besides making huge progress with my health, I also quickly grew a tribe of over 372k people across social media and was being covered on news websites across the world.

My intention is to heal years of damage to my gut and health, truly thrive in life and inspire millions around the world to do the same.

My grand mission is to start regenerating the soil on this planet. With 30 years of topsoil left, we need to do something radical to shift things in the right direction. Through building my platform as big as possible (kinda like Mr Beast), I want to bring awareness to Regenerative Agriculture and pour money into organisations and projects that are doing God’s work – restoring peace back to the planet through the soil.

The first step is to work towards doing this full-time so I can put all of my attention into creating recipes, content, interviews and more so I can fulfil on my intention and grand mission.

For now, you can find me on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and BoomerBook. Just kidding, I love Facebook – you guys rock.

Anyway, I’ve got a bigger bio coming soon when I have the time, but this is a good place to start. If you need anything reach out via email, and if you’re a media outlet, brand etc please contact me on my contact page for a media kit.

K bye