Chicken Bone Broth Recipe

Chicken Bone Broth Recipe

(Note: this is not ‘carnivore friendly’ because of the vegetables, garlic and onion… and it is not ‘GAPS’ friendly because it is cooked for longer than a meat stock – but it is gut friendly and delicious! If you want the...
My 30 Days On The Carnivore Diet: The Results (Q&A)

My 30 Days On The Carnivore Diet: The Results (Q&A)

In November I embarked on what has been the most transformative 30+ days of my health journey so far…I started the Carnivore version of the GAPS Diet.Nothing but meat, salt and water for 30 days to see if it would help me with my skin, joint pain, energy, gut...
My Gut Health Journey

My Gut Health Journey

One question I’ve been asked a lot is about my own personal health journey. What lead me to doing the GAPS Diet and specifically the Carnivore version of GAPS. Because nobody would choose to do what’s perceived as a ‘restrictive diet’ unless...
Welcome to Rory’s Kitchen

Welcome to Rory’s Kitchen

Hey there and welcome!I’m so excited and grateful to have you here.This is a space for me to share recipes, information about gut healing, podcast episodes, health information, tips & tricks, my personal journey and more! It’s still a site that’s...