One of the very sad things about being on the GAPS diet (obviously out-weighed by how amazing you feel) is the fact that you can’t eat ANYTHING starchy.

For us here in Australia that rules out basically every store-bought bread option there is. Even one of my favourite gluten, dairy, egg free breads had sweet potato or tapioca starch in it. At first I felt like all hope was lost…


Enter the wonderful world of GAPS baking and bread.

Luckily you can turn anything into anything these days.

If you’ve tried my previous 2 GAPS recipes, you’ll see a common thread… there’s no starch and so the ‘bread’ recipes are based around eggs, some kind of fat, sometimes zucchini or squash or banana, and nuts.

If you can’t tolerate nuts, then you can skip the nuts and just use zucchini or pumpkin.

My 4yo LOVES this bread and he said he enjoys it more than the normal bread that we would buy from the shops. That is a HUGE win. He’ll have avocado, peanut butter or almond butter or cashew cheese on it, or honey. Or he’ll just eat it on its own. Breakfast, snacks, dinner, and in his lunch box. Plus his mum actually likes it so that’s a bonus.

Unfortunately with all these recipes I have no idea how good they are these days because I can’t taste test as I go – so you’re gonna have to go off the tastebuds of a fussy 4 year old and his mum lol.

Anyway I hope you enjoy this week’s recipe. There’s a video I filmed today for it, that should be up within a week or so 🙂


  • 6 Eggs
  • 1/2 cup coconut flour
  • 1/4 cup almond flour
  • 1/3 cup ghee, coconut oil, tallow or butter (I used ghee for this one)
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder or baking soda (if tolerated)
  • 1/2 tsp salt

How To:

  1. Grease up a small/short bread loaf pan with some coconut oil, or if you want to use parchment paper inside it you can do that too but coconut oil does the trick with this one.
  2. Heat up the oven to 180*c or 350*f
  3. Crack the eggs into a mixing bowl, and honestly just chuck everything else in and whisk it up until it’s all mixed together.
  4. Pour it into your bread loaf pan and put in the oven for around 25-30 minutes depending on what your oven is like
  5. You’ll know it’s ready once you stab it with a knife and it comes out clean and easy.

The bread will be pretty ‘short’ compared to normal bread but this can be fixed by having a shorter bread tin, or doubling up the recipe. You’ll see what I mean in the main picture for it on this here post.

Notes: The cool thing is, this toasts well too! Just make sure you make it in a shorter tin otherwise it ends up long and short and cute like mine lol.

Tweaks: In future I’ll be trying an egg-free version, but I’ll keep you posted on how that goes. Honestly it sounds like a disaster to me, but if vegans can make bread without egg then I’m sure it’s possible to make an egg free, everything free bread that tastes good… right?