Oh Em Ghee, if you haven’t tried these 3 ingredient only, grain-free pumpkin pancakes yet – then you’re in for a treat.

When I was first experimenting with the GAPS Diet in 2018, this was a recipe that I discovered and absolutely loved. I went overboard and had it most days, and then got a little naughty and had it with coconut ice cream every time 😂 The beginning of my demise of sticking to the proper GAPS into diet lol.

Anyway, did I mention 3 ingredients? Just Pumpkin, Eggs and Almond Butter. Plus a bit of salt if you’re salty like me.

I’m sure you could even skip the almond butter and just make an animal based pancakes with the eggs and pumpkin, but I could never bring myself to omit the almond butter. The combo was just so delicious. Plus when you get creative with the toppings, life is good.

So this is a recipe that is legal on the FULL GAPS Diet, legal on stage 4 of the GAPS Intro Diet for most people and totally illegal on carnivore because of the nuts and pumpkin.

They also work well as bread and muffins (you can check my zucchini muffins here for reference/ideas).

Of course since I’m on Carnivore right now I can’t eat these, but my son can – so I try make them at least once a month.

NEXT LEVEL Your GAPS Pancakes with these Topping Tips & Ideas

Ok so you get the full recipe and method down below but I want to give you some topping tips on how to maximise the deliciousness of these masterpieces.

These on their own are to live for, incredibly scrumptious and need nothing else… BUT oh my lord when you add toppings to them, they go next level.

You can go savoury or sweet with this, or a mixture of both.

BTW these toppings suggestions are all Full-GAPS Legal.

  • Sauerkraut
  • Avocado & Sauerkraut
  • Butter
  • Ghee
  • Salt
  • Honey & Salt
  • Honey
  • Smoked Honey
  • Home Made Coconut Ice Cream (recipe coming soon)
  • Berries (frozen or fresh)
  • Banana
  • Stewed Apple with cinnamon
  • Raisins
  • Yoghurt
  • Cheese (make sure its GAPS Legal here)

Or any combination of the above!

My fave was hands down avocado + sauerkraut, or honey + salt. Divine.

Ingredients/What You’ll Need

(makes 3 little pancakes)

  • 2 Organic Eggs
  • 1/2 Cup Steamed Pumpkin
  • 2 Tbs Almond Butter (peanut butter is a possibility too)
  • Salt to taste (a pinch or whatever, also totally not necessary)
  • Ghee, Tallow, Coconut Oil, Butter or Duck Fat (for cooking)

How To:

  1. Steam your pumpkin until it’s nice and soft
  2. Whist all ingredients until well mixed OR if you’re lazy like me – use a blender for a few seconds
  3. Heat your pan to medium heat, then add your oil of choice depending on what flavour you like or what protocol you’re on. My favourites were ghee, butter and coconut oil but that’s before I’d tried tallow.
  4. Pour into 3 little pancakes (or whatever size you like)
  5. Cook for around 3 minutes on both sides or until it’s cooked through. Pretty much just like you would normal pancakes.
  6. Load it up with epic toppings as mentioned above, or eat as is!

Other Tips:

If you wan to make larger quantities of this (which you will), then I suggest to just double up on the pumpkin/eggs. The ratio of 1/2 a cup of pumpkin to 2 eggs is pretty good from what I’ve found, so you can always just double that. You can also increase all of them including the almond butter but I tried not to eat too much nuts when I was eating these.

If you end up making these please tag me! #roryskitchen I’d love to see your creations!

I’ve got a video coming soon, but for now, enjoy this recipe!