Hey there and welcome!

I’m so excited and grateful to have you here.

This is a space for me to share recipes, information about gut healing, podcast episodes, health information, tips & tricks, my personal journey and more!

It’s still a site that’s under construction so please bear with me as I figure out this blogging thing after 8 years… I’m a video guy not a blogger yet haha.

Coming soon is a video about my gut health journey which should answer a lot of your questions.

The best place to ask questions about anything is on my YouTube videos, so please ask away there and I will do my best to answer it or direct you to a piece of content/information in my library (or in my Kitchen Club community which is coming soon).

Thank you for being here and I’m excited to share my journey of gut healing with you, one broth, one video, one podcast and one blog at a time!

Cheers to your Health,

p.s. if you want to join my exclusive newsletter you can find the link to that here.